How to use essential oils safely and effectively by dōTERRA

You don’t need a degree in chemistry or extensive training to know how to use essential oils effectively. With a basic understanding of safety precautions and application methods, it’s easy to get started using essential oils.

Starting with Essential Oils

When starting with essential oils, keep the following in mind:

There are three ways to use essential oils:

A traves del olfato

Through smell

We call this “aromatic” use of essential oils. This includes any method of application that helps you experience the aroma of the oil. You can use essential oils aromatically in the following ways:

En tu piel

In Your Skin

The “topical” application of essential oils allows the oil to be absorbed into the skin. Some ways to use essential oils on your skin are:



or “internal” use of essential oils allows the oil to be transported throughout the body. First make sure the essential oil is safe for internal use, and then try one of these methods: